Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt 2011

I thought 150 hidden eggs would take at least 15 minutes for this troop to find...but No, it took all of 2 minutes! We had a lot of fun with our other activities too, and everyone left with a Happy Easter wish from Mary and Simon. Thanks for coming guys, it was a blast.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not Such a Happy Beaver

Every year brings new adventures and sometimes the camera is handy. I am sure I shocked this beaver; he was quite cranky with me standing so close. The hissing was sending a clear message, but I found it very entertaining. I did not capture the ground slapping but if he were near the water's edge his slap would have made massive waves! We are almost 1 kilometer from open water. I think his GPS was off a little. Very cool visit.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Uncommon and So Very Awesome

I have gone back to the birds on my blog this week. This year has been remarkable for uncommon visitors. For the past week we have been watching this little fellow. They came in a small gathering of 4-6 and worked along side the black eyed junkos. These fox sparrows are currently in migration and will likely fly to the most North regions of Ontario soon. But for now, we are loving their visit. They quickly hop backward and forward to gleam the ground to find seeds and teeny tiny invertebrates. They are swift like a fox and are easily frightened with the smallest of foreign sounds, and when they take to the trees they are invisible. As campers provide me with most all my wildlife photos I did not have ability to capture this little fellow. The following photo comes from Dr. Faintich in the United States. Take a look at his links, the photos are brilliant.

Fox Sparrow jpg. © 2009 Marshall Faintich, author of A Photographic Guide to The Birds of Wintergreen.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Evening Grosbeak

Its been a good year for new species at the feeders. Last week a flock of more than 60 Common Red Polls descended and stayed for three days. Yesterday, more than 30 Evening Grosbeaks landed and stayed and shelled close to 10 pounds of sunflower seeds. It was impressive. Mary and Simon go owling every day and have success talking to what we think may be the Northern Saw-Whet Owl. Very cool adventures in the bush. The rains are coming heavy and the snow is finally leaving. I hope the Canal Operators are ready and waiting to run their systems this week! The waters will surely rise to the south of us.